
ID shrubs in rain garden #885670

Asked September 18, 2024, 9:22 AM EDT

I have three of these shrubs growing in my rain garden, about 3 years old. These are about 5’ tall with woody trunk and branches. Could you identify them? We had planted native spotted Joe our weed which I haven’t seen come up but these shrubs don’t look like that to me. I would like to find out what these are and whether they should be left in the rain garden or removed?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

These look like a type of willow; in particular, Black Willow (Salix nigra), a native species that matures into a mid-size tree. It does have great wildlife value, but the stature of the plant (and its rapid growth rate) would make it not very suitable for long-term use in a rain garden. If you wanted to keep one, you could try pruning it back drastically every few years to treat it like a shrub, though even then, it will mature fairly large and might shade-out neighboring perennials. Or, you could transplant them to more suitable locations this autumn, or donate them to another gardener who has a damp sunny area and room for a good-size tree.


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