
Mushroom Invasion #885654

Asked September 17, 2024, 10:30 PM EDT

Can you help identify what species of mushroom is in the attached pics and how to eliminate them. They appeared after a portion of the yard was repaired and straw was laid down. The mushrooms are very dense/hard and persistent.

Hamilton County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Judy,

As noted in the linked Iowa State University Extension article,, "Mushrooms are the reproductive or fruiting structures of fungi. Their appearance in the lawn usually indicates decaying" matter in the lawn.  Although pathogen identification is often the key to solving lawn problems, there are many types and species of fungi and all of them are managed the same way.  Most cause no damage and, other than their appearance, require no action.  There is not much that can be done for prevention.  They tend to go away with the arrival of unfavorable environmental conditions or decomposition of the organic matter upon which the fungi feed.  The linked South Dakota State University Extension article,, offers tips on how to accelerate the change of conditions favorable to the fungi.  There is usually no quick and easy fix to the problem.

Thank you for your question.
Greg C. OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Replied September 17, 2024, 11:50 PM EDT

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