
apple tree questions #885637

Asked September 17, 2024, 6:29 PM EDT

Hello We purchased property in Oakland County that has several apple trees on it. The property was severely overgrown and the trees were stressed. It's now been several years and a couple of them are dying or not producing apples. We want to plant more fruit trees but I thought I should figure out why these are doing so poorly before we bring more trees in. Is there a company you could recommend that could come take a look and let us know if they're even worth trying to save or should we just start over?

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Rhonda,

We cannot recommend or endorse specific companies to do work like this. A local arborist should be able to help- there are several tree services in the region. It sounds to me that starting over may be the best option, but without pictures it's hard to say.

Old unmanaged trees could have several stressors. Are there specific blemishes or spots on the leaves? Trees without management may have successive years of diseases like apple scab, which may be mild in a given season but cause collapse after several years.

If possible you should avoid planting the trees in the exact same spots as the old trees and you should remove as much of the root ball as possible. I would advise you to get disease-resistant trees on dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstocks. In apples these would include 'Freedom,' 'Liberty,' 'Novaspy,' 'Enterprise,' or 'Goldrush,' among others.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 18, 2024, 9:43 AM EDT

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