
alder trees looking sad #885630

Asked September 17, 2024, 5:43 PM EDT

group of alder trees of approx age of 10 years appear questioinable to survive. Some skinny bare branches and what leaves that exist appear small and wilted. M

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

I'm not sure what your question is.  Do you wish to save these trees? All of them? What kind of alder (there are native alders - speckled alder, green alder - and invasive alders - European alder)? What is the site like where they are planted? Are they a valuable tree to you? Do you wish to know what happened to them? Have they been struggling for several years or did this just happen?

This link might be useful:
Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied September 17, 2024, 6:25 PM EDT

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