
Phone - 9/17 - Looking for faculty member to give talk to non-profit group #885605

Asked September 17, 2024, 3:17 PM EDT

Client is trying to reach someone to talk about a faculty member to give a talk to his non-profit group. He said it used to be called the speaker's bureau.

Strafford County New Hampshire

Expert Response

Hi Richard,

Thank you so much for speaking with me on the phone a few moments ago and for your interest in hosting a presentation by a UNH Extension Master Gardener through the Speaker's Bureau. These Master Gardener volunteers are trained to share their knowledge about home gardening and related topics with community groups. The programs are offered for a suggested program donation and travel fee of $100.

Our current Speaker’s Bureau programs include:

• Composting
• Container Gardening
• Dividing Perennials Hands-on Workshop
• Gardening in a Changing Climate
• Getting the Garden Ready for Spring
• Go Native! Incorporating Native Plants into Your Landscapes
• Growing a Pollinator Garden
• Herb Gardening
• Invasive Plants
• Raised Bed Gardening
• Putting the Garden to Bed
• Seed Saving
• Seed Starting and Propagation
• Vegetable Gardening
• Winter Seed Sowing of Native Perennials for Your Garden

If you would like to schedule one of these programs, please provide several possible dates, the time you would like the program to begin, and which program you would like to have presented. We will then try to schedule a Master Gardener presenter. The email address you can correspond with directly regarding a presentation is: <personal data hidden>. Doris Buco is a fantastic Master Gardener volunteer!

Thanks for contacting us. We look forward to hearing back with more details, if needed. Doris should be able to assist you moving forward!

Have a wonderful rest of your week.

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