
Swarming ants? #885595

Asked September 17, 2024, 2:46 PM EDT

There were a large number of these swarming on the floor by a wall in my garage several days ago. To me, they look like ants. Are they carpenter ants?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

It's hard to see enough detail, but they might be carpenter ants. Swarming ants points to a nest nearby, so if you suspect they might be tunneling into wood in the garage structure, you might need to work with a pest control professional to locate and treat them. Bait stations can help to kill an ant colony if the ants accept the bait (their attraction to different bait ingredients can vary), but the reproductive caste (the winged "swarmers") will not use the bait and bring it back to the colony (only the wingless workers do that), so if used, expect that it won't be attracting any of the winged ants, if they are still around at that point.


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