
Tree & Shrub Planting Proximity to Underground Lines #885581

Asked September 17, 2024, 2:06 PM EDT

Hello, We have a Northwood maple tree in our front yard that was planted a couple years ago before we bought the house. The tree is only 1-2 feet away from the underground Xcel gas line and we're wondering if that is too close? I contacted Xcel and Connexus (because there are underground electrical lines nearby too, and they only have tree planting recommendations for overhead lines. They both said to contact you for recommended planting distance from underground lines. How far away from underground electrical and underground gas lines do we need to be to replant/move this Northwood maple tree? It looks like if we put it halfway between each line, it gives 7 feet on either side of the tree. There was a previous ash tree that was mature size and planted only about 2 feet away from the underground gas line, and we see a lot of neighbors that have tree and shrubs right by underground lines too. Can you also let me know if there are any shrub proximity planting recommendations for underground lines? Connexus said that larger shrubs might not be able to be planted near underground lines and I would have to ask you if smaller shrubs are okay to plant near or on top of any type of underground lines. Thank you!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your Northwoods Maple with have a Height of 40-60 feet and a Spread of 25-40 feet.  Roots will extend out to the edge of the canopy and beyond.  They could extend 20+ feet from the trunk in all directions.  Maples are fairly shallow rooted so your underground lines should be just fine.  We do recommend that you have the area checked for underground lines prior to planting because you do not want to cut or break a line when digging.  Call 811 to have the underground utilities marked. Call before you dig.  That applies to trees or shrubs.  Otherwise you can plant wherever the conditions are appropriate for the tree/shrub you are planting.

Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied September 17, 2024, 5:07 PM EDT

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