
Planting in three tiered herb boxes #885575

Asked September 17, 2024, 1:15 PM EDT

Hi, We have one of those three tiered wooden boxes, I believe, for planting herbs. Is there a planting guide for FredCo that lists time of year, etc to plant each type of herb? Thank you.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response


It depends on the size of the planter and type of herb since there are annuals, biennials, and perennials. Some herbs can easily be started by seed like Basil, Cilantro, parsley, dill but it is too late this year to do so. If you are planting annuals now from starter plants (say from the grocery store or a home improvement store), you will be able to enjoy them for about another month or so before a hard frost kills them. Basil is a popular annual that you will need to re-plant every spring . Dill is also an annual but if you let it reseed in the garden it will usually return the following year. 

Some woody herbs like thyme, rosemary, and lavender can overwinter as long as they are protected from drying winter winds and receive the right amount of water (enough so they don't dry but not too much to make their roots rot).  A southern facing wall of the house is typically a good spot and if it can be blocked from westward winds Depending on the size of the planter and thickness of the walls, you may want to try to protect the soil from freezing. A smaller soil mass will freeze faster than a larger one. 

If you want to provide a photo and rough dimensions of the planter we could help further guide you on what to plant. You may have more success if you wait until next year at this point. 


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