
Josie Lilac #885568

Asked September 17, 2024, 12:40 PM EDT

Can you help identify the problem with my lilac bush? The problem is on one side of the bush (facing east). Thank you.

Cecil County Maryland

Expert Response

While we can't determine the exact cause of leaf spotting, the damage looks minimal and it is not a threat to long-term plant health. If it is fungal, like a leaf spot disease, fungicide will not cure it and, while repeated fungicide use starting in spring each year might reduce the risk of recurrence, it is not necessary or generally worth the hassle or expense to use as regularly as would be needed to keep leaves spot-free. There is no need to remove those branches (or any affected leaves, which will soon be shedding next month), and if nothing else is bothering the plant unrelated to this, we expect it will regrow and flower normally next year. Keep monitoring it for watering needs as the periods of drought continue in Maryland, since healthy roots with little stress are very important for helping plants survive the winter with little damage or lost buds.


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