
End-of-season yellow squash plant #885532

Asked September 17, 2024, 8:57 AM EDT

Hello - Based on the attached photo, would you say that this plant was diseased, and should not be placed in municipal hot compost? It had a quite productive life. I dug it up a couple of days ago when it stopped producing and I note that it had some greenery, but that there was also a considerable amount of grey and dusty leaves, as well as a stem and some branches that were hollow and very gray. (I also have a tomato plant that has mostly gray foliage but a few spotted leaves.) Thanks as always. You do a terrific job and a tremendous service.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response


It looks mostly like powdery mildew which is common and not an issue for compost. Most municipal composting reaches high enough temperatures to kill insects and diseases. Usually they are monitored as well for an appropriate temperature and moisture content so the microbes will breakdown the plant materials appropriately. It would be find to put into municipal yard waste. 


Emily - Thank you for your informative and rapid reply.  I appreciate it.

- Jim

On 9/17/24 12:19 PM, Ask Extension wrote:
The Question Asker Replied September 18, 2024, 7:51 AM EDT

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