
Acer Leaves - Pest or Disease ID #885524

Asked September 17, 2024, 6:25 AM EDT

The photos are from a Japaneses maple that began having issues on the leaves. I cannot tell if it is from leaf scorch, pests or disease. Please let me know if any additional information is needed to ID the issue. Thank you.

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

This looks like leaf scorch. The lace leaf types are more sensitive to high heat and drought, so it looks environmental conditions are taking its toll on it.

It is getting reflective heat from house siding, gravel or pavement/a path of some sort. Is it in full sun? It would probably prefer mid to late day shade if so. Is there landscape fabric around the base or under any mulch? That can choke out tree roots and deprive them from rain water. Is there a roof overhang that is preventing rain water from reaching the surrounding soil?

Have you supplemented irrigation in times of drought? Last summer and this summer we have had some very dry weather and high temperatures as well. You can try to water through the fall. You may need to prune out any dead branches if there are some.

You can refer to our Watering Trees and Shrubs page for more details but mature trees still need about 1 inch of water a week. You can use a hose on a slow trickle at the base for about 20 minutes to help thoroughly soak the root ball. Before watering again, check the soil about 6 inches down to see if it is still moist.


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