
Crickets #885522

Asked September 17, 2024, 5:24 AM EDT

I noticed what I think is a Phaneroptera nana or Bush cricket on my Dahlias. Are they good or bad ?

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Brendan and thanks for the picture of a Katydid, probably a Fork-tailed Bush Katydid, Scudderia furcata, on your dahlias. These are a wonderful native species that become more visible in the autumn here, and may put a few holes in your dahlia leaves, as they are herbivorous. It's worth it though to see such a unique creature and thanks for the great picture! Notice the forked tail from the top view... a giveaway to the male of the species.

Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied September 17, 2024, 5:17 PM EDT

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