
Cherry tree bugs and apple tree bugs #885521

Asked September 17, 2024, 1:48 AM EDT

My Cherry trees look like they are dying, the tops of the trees are losing their leaves and the trunks of the trees have little holes in them about i/8" in diameter like a beetle has emerged from it . My apple trees have the same hole in the trunk but the foliage seems healthy for now. The holes in the apple trees just appeared this year, the holes in the cherry trees have been there for 3 or 4 years. The cherry tree exhibits the same symptoms as the ash beetle infected ash trees.

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

There are a few causes of holes in tree bark, and trees are about to lose their leaves for the winter, so time is of the essence.  Share a few photos and describe how you care for your trees (irrigate, fertilize, prune, harvest).
Alternatively, contact the Master Gardener Volunteers directly and maybe an email dialog can be established. That can be the best way to share multiple photos and have an involved discussion. Here is the contact us information for the Metro Master Gardeners.

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