
Plant and grape vine disease #885516

Asked September 16, 2024, 10:40 PM EDT

Hi, I'm going to attach some pictures of what was my grapevine along with morning glories  and coleus and cinnamon bush.   This happened in the last month

Thank you 

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Grape vine

Good Morning!!   I am resending my plant pictures that i sent in a previous email last night.  .  It does a better job of describing what im asking about. 

I have to send separately since i cannot upload all at one time

Thank you 

The Question Asker Replied September 17, 2024, 5:44 AM EDT

Morning Glories cinnamon bush and coleus

Thank u. 

So sorry for sending so many times.  Had problems uploading 

The Question Asker Replied September 17, 2024, 5:46 AM EDT

The additional photo and what you are referring to as a cinnamon bush, could that be Carolina Allspice? The only cinnamon tree or shrub we are familiar with is more of a tropical plant that would not withstand our winter temperatures. - If it is an allspice shrub, these just look like leaf scorch symptoms that can be common on a plant in full sun or in high heat and drought condition summers. You can supplement watering as needed through the fall. It should get about an inch a week. Feel the soil with your fingers about 6 inches below the mulch or surface to see if it needs water before adding more. (Watering trees and shrubs) 

The coleus also looks like leaf scorch which is also common, especially in the lighter leaf varieties. 

The morning glory appears to be a bacterial or fungal leaf spot. Both don't need treatment as of now since the leaves will be dying back soon. Just be sure to clean up foliage at the end of the season and that can help to control the outback next year. These diseases often show in certain weather or environmental conditions. If you can increase air flow around the plant that could help. Also avoid any overhead watering where the leaves would be constantly wet. 

Are you proactively treating the grape foliage with anything? Grapes are highly susceptible to a variety of insect problems and disease issues. You can visit our Grapes for the Home Garden page to see a list of recommended varieties and  trouble shoot issues. The leaves mostly look like powdery mildew and maybe some late season leaf spots. You can clean up the foliage and discard at the end of the season as well. Have you noticed any Spotted lanternflies feeding on the vines or leaves? You can try some mesh insect netting to keep them off. 


Thank you!!!! And your probably right about that bush. My motter in law called it that because it does have a cinnamon smell but now that you mentioned it, seems more like allspice. Thank you for the link to the page about grapes

The Question Asker Replied September 17, 2024, 3:06 PM EDT

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