
Pruning Cherry trees #885514

Asked September 16, 2024, 9:43 PM EDT

When is the best time to prune cherry trees in the Rogue Valley. I have heard to prune them after harvest, sometime in May.

Jackson County Oregon

Expert Response

Here are some tips for pruning cherry trees in Oregon:
Prune in August, when there's less risk of bacterial infection. You can also prune in winter when the tree is dormant.

Prune the top of the tree more than the bottom. Thin out shoots at the end of branches to increase fruit quality and size. To reduce the height of a tree, cut limbs at the top to a lateral branch at the desired height.

Use a hand pruner, long-handled lopping shears, and a pruning saw. Bypass pruners are better than anvil pruners because they can get closer to the branch.

Before pruning, sterilize your tools to prevent the spread of disease. You can wipe the blades with rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution.

Train sweet cherry trees to an open center system with three to five scaffold branches.

If a gummy, dead area encircles most of a limb, cut it off. Bacterial canker can kill the tree if it infects the trunk or crown.

Chris Rusch Replied September 17, 2024, 11:32 PM EDT

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