
Apple tree Crown Gall #885503

Asked September 16, 2024, 8:18 PM EDT

I have a four way apple tree that we planted a little more than three years ago. This year is produced fruit but I let one branch get too heavy and it broke in July. We repaired with tree wrap and it appears to be growing pink roots in that area. The trunk has also broken out in growths that look like tumors. There are probably at least 15 of various sizes on this small tree. I also noticed that the tree looks damaged near the bottom of the trunk and have tried to include a picture of that area as well. (it is the last photo.) I would like to know if you think these growth are crown gall or some other infection that will spread if I don't remove the tree. Thank you so much for your assistance and advice.

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

The growths you are seeing are kind of normal in that they are root initials. But because they are above ground they do not develop into roots, just the knots you are seeing. We call this condition a burrknot. Generally seen at the ground line but it can occur above ground as well. You can read more about this condition here:
Jay W. Pscheidt, PhD, Professor Replied September 17, 2024, 9:55 PM EDT
You may prefer I not answer your email as maybe I am just clogging your inbox, but I am so very grateful for this service and your timely and informative response that I cannot resist sending a grateful THANK YOU in the hopes that it encourages or gratifies you in some way.


On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 6:55 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied September 18, 2024, 10:47 AM EDT

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