
Termites in MN #885471

Asked September 16, 2024, 4:23 PM EDT

I received a visit from a pest company. The rep showed me what he believed was frass from eastern subterranean termites in the bark placed around my house. He also showed a very small creature that he said was a termite larvae. Finally, there was a 4x4 post on my wood pile that appeared to have the runs or markings of termite damage. (I am not sure the origin of that post.) I am wondering if there's an expert who would be willing to do a consult and tell me if what the pest company rep says is likely true. Basically I am looking for a recommendation by a person with no stake in the outcome. I am willing to pay a fee for this recommendation.

Washington County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Morning Clay, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

Please click on the following link from the U of M Extension Yard and Garden website about carpenter ants:

This information states: 

Termites are very uncommon in Minnesota.

The information we provide from the U of M Extension is "research based" so you know the information is accurate. 

If the pest control person showed up without you requesting their presence, I would be highly suspect of the information. Did you receive a business card from the person or can you do some internet research on the company to see if they are reputable? 

I did a google search for photos of termite larvae:    Did they look like this? 

Here is another link about native subterranean termites:   This information is from Florida. 

You might compare the above information with the information that the pest control person gave you. 

We are volunteer Extension Master Gardeners and Tree Care Advisors. We do not do home visits and are not insect experts. 

Your information indicates you live in Washington County. 

I did a brief internet search for pest control companies that serve Washington county, MN and several reputable companies showed up. You could certainly call them, or ask them for a consult at your residence. 

Good Luck!

Maureen Graber Replied September 17, 2024, 8:07 AM EDT

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