
Sad squash plants #885461

Asked September 16, 2024, 3:44 PM EDT

Hello, i have one acorn squash and one delicata squash plant. The acorn has been growing well and has multiple fruits. The delicata is slow to grow, but has one squash growing. Both are starting to brown and wilt starting at the root end. This is really obvious for acorn squash plant. Is this just normal for the plant as it ages? We have a drip irrigation system, but maybe we don't have enough water? We saw something similar with our cucumbers until they died, though, and now our muskmelons, too, are starting to brown and wilt at the root end. We are growing in raised beds with new soil that was advertised as good for raised beds. We supplement with compost that we produce at home. Thanks for the advice.

Cuyahoga County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Stacey,

You did not say when you planted the squashes but I assume they've been in the ground for a while. There are several pests that can affect squash. I am providing several links for you to check out. See below. I don't think you have any of these pests. We have had a very dry, hot summer and we are now past the middle of September. Given that, your plants look good. You are doing nothing wrong. When I checked delicata squash, depending on variety, they can be up to 100 days to maturity. That can explain the slow growth. 

You may want to add some slow release fertilizer (10:10:10 Nitrogen Phosphorus K (potassium)) . Compost is good but as the plants grow they use up the nutrients in the compost. 

Happy Gardening!


Sabine Kuhn Replied September 17, 2024, 8:30 PM EDT

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