
Eggs on bush? #885368

Asked September 16, 2024, 8:32 AM EDT

I found these when I was trimming bushes yesterday, September 15 in Lutherville. Are these spotted lantern fly eggs? Thank you! Ruth Morton

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

These are not spotted lanternfly eggs. These are another insect called Indian Wax Scale. The link provided will give you more information on it and management techniques. If you don't see many, the easiest and most effective thing you can do at this time of year is pick them off by hand and discard them. Then, continue to monitor this plant. This scale can be difficult to control because of its waxy protective coating. They are most vulnerable to an insecticde application when they are in their juvenile ("crawler") stage, which for this species is generally from late June into July. Monitor for crawlers starting next June. If the population seems large and natural predators won't take care of the crawlers when they emerge, you can use a horticultural oil to spray on the branches. The timing is critical to do this when they are in that crawler stage and do not have the waxy protective coating. You will need to make sure to completely cover the branches with horticultural to ensure they are all reached. Read and follow the product label instructions.


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