
Frequency of dousing maple root area with chelated iron #885345

Asked September 15, 2024, 7:43 PM EDT

please advise how frequently I can apply (drench then water in) chelated iron to my maple bush root area. Thank you.

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Cynthia,

I read the label of the product and it doesn't say, which is unusual! So you could consider contacting the company and asking them for the recommended frequency. The label states, "Apply in the Spring as a preventative or as needed in-season to correct chlorosis." It would be good to ask a clarifying question of HOW MUCH product you can apply each year.

In general, this is something you do once per season, with the ideal time in early spring, just prior to leaf-out. This application, at the correct rate, should provide season-long control. 

Do you have landscape fabric below the rock? If so, you'll want to (ideally) remove it so you're applying the chelated iron to the root system of the shrub.
Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied September 16, 2024, 1:26 PM EDT

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