
Are these part of the root flare? Should I leave them uncovered? #885317

Asked September 15, 2024, 2:44 PM EDT

I planted this green gage in March 2024, and then dug it up and replanted it in May when we realized it was too deeply planted.  I am trying to keep the root flare exposed after likely over mulching around the tree.  Should I leave this open?  Replace the dirt and mulch?  Thanks!

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Carla,

Thanks for writing in about your tree, and good job noticing that it was initially planted too deeply and replanting it!

Based on the pictures you sent, it looks like the tree is now planted at an appropriate depth. You do not need to cover the root flare with any mulch or additional soil. The root flare is supposed to exposed to the air so that the tree can get oxygen.

Here is fact sheet on Healthy Roots and Healthy Trees that you might find informative. Additionally, here is some more information on the Care of Recently Planted Trees that you might find useful as well.

Let us know if you have any additional questions!
Jessie A. and Caitlin W.

Diagnostic Team Replied September 16, 2024, 2:33 PM EDT

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