
Donate Volunteer Trees? #885276

Asked September 14, 2024, 6:52 PM EDT

I have a lot of volunteer tulip poplars, black cherries, and oak trees. Most are a under a foot tall but some are larger. Is there any organization in central Maryland that would take them as a donation? I hate to pull them out without a home to go to.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We understand your dilemma and appreciate your kind and thoughtful intentions.
We don't have a list of places that accept seedling tree donations but there are definitely spaces, especially online, where people exchange plant material.
Community bulletin boards (including off-line), social media or neighborhood discussion groups are the place to look. I don't know where you live in Howard County, but I know there is an active Plant Swap Facebook page in Frederick County that sponsors regular meet-ups that sound like fun. 
The fact that you are offering native plants is a good thing. You could also check with your local Howard County Extension Master Gardeners for their ideas. You can find them at MG Plant Clinics near you:


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