
Food safety #885275

Asked September 14, 2024, 6:17 PM EDT

Is it safe to eat tomatoes with these cracks?


Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Mara,

Thanks for reaching out with your tomato question, and for providing such a clear picture!

If your only concern is about the cracks on your tomatoes, then yes, these fruit are still safe and edible to eat. You might want to harvest the cracked tomatoes soon though, and allow them to finish ripening indoors, otherwise they might rot on the vine. Keep an eye out for any sour odor or oozing on the fruits - if you notice either of these, then toss those tomatoes straight into the trash/compost! Here is a helpful article titled "What Causes Tomatoes to Crack?" that you might find informative.

Additionally, here is a fact sheet on recognizing tomato problems and some general information on growing tomatoes that you might find helpful.

Is there anything else about your plant, soil, or water that makes you worry that your tomatoes are not safe to eat? If so, feel free to reach again!

Jessie A. and Caitlin W.

Diagnostic Team Replied September 16, 2024, 2:49 PM EDT

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