
yellow jacket problem #885273

Asked September 14, 2024, 5:45 PM EDT

Not a plant problem, but having an issue with yellow jackets. They are all over my yard. Have also seen them around my neighborhood. I had 1 nest in the ground in my yard [found it the hard way cutting grass). I got rid of the nest. But they are still all over my yard. They are usually at ground level to maybe 6 inches above. What is the best way to control them.

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

We are sorry that you found that yellowjacket nest the hard way. After that experience, we can imagine that all bees and wasps look terribly menacing.

There are two ways that bees/wasps are categorized, based on how they live- and most are not threatening to you. 

The ones that live together in large communities, so-called 'social' ones,  will defend their nest en masse if it is disturbed. Yellow-jackets are a type of social wasp, and running over the nest while mowing is a time when they will defend. They tend to be more easily agitated than other types. Try not to swat at them or try to squash as they can send out a phermone calling for others.

Otherwise, when they are out and about they aren't looking to hurt you. They do not seek out people to sting, but they do become more of a nuisance in the fall when they want to eat or sip our picnic foods, so caution is needed before drinking.
Here is our page on social wasps where you can learn more about them:

Unless you know right where a nest is, there is no environmentally sound way to control them without harming other non-target beneficial insects.  In fact, some of the wasps you may see hovering over the ground may be the type that are  actually helping to control pest insects like grubs. 


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