
Kentucky blue sod #885259

Asked September 14, 2024, 3:14 PM EDT

Hi, I layed sod (July 14th) 90% has taken root. Some edges have not but still seem to be growing very well. Friday the 13th I aerated my yard, (was this too soon with the time I layed sod?) then layed down Scott’s turfbuilder winterguard fall weed and feed. I forgot about the bird and rodent issues pulling up some sod and digging holes. I got some Scott’s top soil and Scott’s ez seed filled the holes and then seeded them after I had already layed the turf builder fall weed and seed. I also proceeded to use the ez seed and over seed the whole yard as it seemed a little thin. ( did I mess anything up by doing this?) did I mess up my yard by doing things in kinda a backwards order? (Weed feed, top soil, seed/overseer and water ) Thanks!

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response

The additional seeding won't do any harm. The fertilizing is on schedule. The only thing that is a bit early is the aerating. Some recommend 3 months after sodding.  Our extension says normal lawn maintenance after the new sod is well rooted, usually a couple of weeks after installation.  Here are references:

By the way, here is an excellent reference on maintaining your lawn:
Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied September 15, 2024, 6:16 PM EDT

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