
Oak trees not producing acorns this year #885252

Asked September 14, 2024, 2:05 PM EDT

Normally by this time of year our 4 large oak bur trees would be dropping lots of acorns. This year we have not seen a single acorn so far and when I looked with binoculars for acorns in the branches/leaves on the trees, I don't see any in the tress. The trees look healthy. What is happening?

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

We'd need more information to provide a specific, reliable, answer to your question.  According to experts, a number of factors could account for what you have observed, but which factor or combination of factors in this case might be inscrutable.

The following publications discuss things that might have eliminated this year's crop:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 14, 2024, 9:27 PM EDT

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