
Home raised chickens, old chart title ExpandedFood & Education Program #885250

Asked September 14, 2024, 1:52 PM EDT

I have an old chart mostly faded out, published by then Emily W. Brown, Assistant agent dealing with food and nutrition. Chart contains EGG WEIGHT PER DOZEN, beginning with Jumbo and down to PeeWee. It also provides other information with some formulas for determining price. Unfortunately, my document is too faded out be able to read all the extenuating information. Is there a current document available that would supply the same information as I have a grandchild who is currently pursuing egg production? Thank you.

Montgomery County Ohio

Expert Response

We have 4-H publications on poultry if you are interested.  If you want to review 4-H publications, please visit Project Central at

If you have any other questions, please let us know.


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