
Insect eggs and spots on sweetspire #885216

Asked September 14, 2024, 8:03 AM EDT

I have several sweetspire that are in morning sun and afternoon shade. They are all covered with dark brown with a ting of red color. What is it? What should I do? Is there a treatment or anything I can do to improve the quality of the leaves?

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

We can't see enough detail in the eggs to identify them, though their general appearance and deposition in a cluster suggest either a moth or true bug laid them. There isn't a serious insect pest of Sweetspire in either group, so it's not a concern. The leaf spotting appears to be due to environmental stress (early fall color is quite common when plants are stressed, such as from drought), and while a minor leaf spot infection might also be present, it does not need to be treated.

For now, just continue to monitor the plant(s) for watering needs if there are further stretches of dry weather. (Feel the soil about six inches deep in the root zone, and water thoroughly if it's becoming somewhat dry to the touch at that depth.) Once a stress is relieved, the leaves cannot turn fully green again, but since they are about to change color for autumn anyway, this is not worrisome.


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