
Paw paw saplings in a pot over winter #885201

Asked September 13, 2024, 7:11 PM EDT

I am trying to figure out if I let my paw paw saplings in a pot should lose their leaves before storing them for winter? Any tips on how to care for paw paw saplings over winter is appreciated.

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Yes, let your paw paws go dormant before you store them for the winter. I would leave them in an unheated garage or shed over the winter. They need to stay cold over the winter to mimic their natural environment. However, you will need to monitor them to make sure the soil does not dry out completely. If it gets extremely cold (like negative Fahrenheit temps), you may need to put them in a heated structure until the cold snap passes. 

If you don't have a shed or garage, tuck them under or behind trees or shrubs so that they are protected. If you have a flower or vegetable bed, you could dig the pots into the soil with the plan to lift them out in the spring.

Lindsey K. Kerr, MS, MHP (she, her, hers) Replied September 16, 2024, 10:03 AM EDT

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