
Weeping Sequoia Care #885174

Asked September 13, 2024, 3:14 PM EDT

I believe I have a Weeping Sequoia that is growing close to the front of my house.   I have a few questions:  1)  If I'm correct on the species of the tree, do I need to be concern with the root system damage the foundation of my home?  Can I prevent damage?      2).  I'm concern with the growth of branches rubbing against the house and over my roof;  can I prune the safely to the trunk to eliminate problems?   In general can I shape the tree and reduce size?       And 3)  I notice a lot of brown patches I've never seen in previous year, is this due strictly to lack of water or may there be other problems?    Thank you. 

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi David and thanks for your question about your weeping sequoia and your pictures. Your identification seems correct and whoever planted it that close to the house probably didn't know how big it might get!

You can hire someone to move it, a professional ISA certified arborist could tell you if that is an option. I don't know if the roots will bother your foundation, but by the time you find out, it might be too late. Better to be proactive. Plant roots search for cracks and once they find one, they will grow thicker and this widens the crack.

If you want to prune the tree, you should wait until after a freeze or well into winter so the possible insect and fungi that might attack a cut aren't around and the tree has a chance to heal the cut before Spring.

And the brown patches are called "flagging" and are quite natural for a conifer, as it sheds the old needles to avoid providing for them over the winter. I have a Giant Sequoia in my yard and it has more flagging this year than I have ever seen. Our hot summer and long dry spells create this need and hopefully next year will be better.

Here is a website where you can find an ISA certified arborist to give you another opinion and provide options for moving the beautiful tree. You might want to get several opinions as they are free until you hire them.
Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied September 13, 2024, 6:35 PM EDT

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