
How and when to transplant this year's volunteer oak seedlings #885085

Asked September 12, 2024, 7:46 PM EDT

Now that we have cut so many ash trees from our property, I feel the volunteer oak seedlings that used to be a nuisance are possibly a sustainable and free way to re-forest our land. With all the moisture we have had this summer there is a number of new healthy seedlings growing in my gardens. How old do they need to be, or at the other end of the spectrum how old can they be, to safely transplant and when is the best time to do so? Can it be successfully done?

Dodge County Minnesota

Expert Response

Most oak species and other tap-rooted trees are notoriously difficult to transplant.  Generally speaking, smaller is better insofar as survival is concerned.

Late fall, after the seedlings/saplings are dormant is the best time to move them.

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 12, 2024, 9:13 PM EDT
Thank you for your answer and for sending me specific links. I had been Googling the issue a bit but wasn't coming up with much. The links are very helpful!

From: ask=<personal data hidden> on behalf of Ask Extension
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 8:13 PM
To: dianedci
Subject: Re: How and when to transplant this year's volunteer oak seedlings (#0155002)
The Question Asker Replied September 13, 2024, 1:30 PM EDT

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