
Trying to identify the kind of bug in my house so I can get rid of them #884677

Asked September 09, 2024, 9:15 PM EDT

We’ve had these bugs in our house for a few weeks and cannot get rid of them. The bugs are found mostly flying around near our kitchen, in the bathrooms and on windows. They really like dark and wet places so we find them in groups under our bath mats, under our dogs water dish and in our bathtubs. We also find random ones crawling around. They are very tiny, and they crawl and fly but do not bite. They have three legs on each side and have two antennas. They have a brown/dark red body and we think a black head. They are approximately an 1/8 inch long. They are so small they are hard to take a good picture of. We bought zevo bug traps, they are not attracted to them, but we catch them by waving the trap at them and they stick to it. We have tried vinegar/baking soda/salt in our drains and whiskey in a container on the island, neither helped. We have done Insect Finder and extensive research and we cannot figure out what kind of bugs they are so we can get rid of them. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Benton County Minnesota

Expert Response

The photos are too blurry to accurately identify the insect.  They are beetles of some sort.  Look through the following website to see if you can identify them.  My best guess would be some sort of pantry beetle, maybe drugstore or cigarette beetle.


MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied September 10, 2024, 9:28 AM EDT

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