
Fall Lawn Renovation Advice - Oakland County Michigan #884636

Asked September 09, 2024, 4:17 PM EDT


My backyard had an invasion of creeping bent grass, and I just finished killing all of that with Tenacity. I used this opportunity to level my lawn with a 50/50 mix of mason sand and top soil, with a final step of reseeding a mix of Kentucky Blue Grass and Elite Perennial Ryegrass. 

My question for the experts is whether or not it is a bad idea to seed right now, given falling soil temperatures of October. Or, do I likely have enough time for the seed to germinate and establish a root system that will survive the winter?

Thank you in advance!


Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response


Step 1. Timing: Late summer and early fall plantings produce the best results in Michigan. The best time to seed your lawn is from August 15 to September 15. The warm days and cool nights are ideal for seed germination and seedling growth. Spring is the second-best time to seed turf grass, beginning in late spring or early summer but no later than June 15. No matter what time of year you seed your lawn, you must frequently sprinkle lightly to keep the topsoil moist without creating puddles. Adding extra organic matter to the soil before seeding, covering the seed with a little extra topsoil and protecting the seed with a seed cover such as straw mulch to conserve moisture will encourage the turf seedlings to grow. If you cannot water your lawn, do not seed your lawn in late spring or early summer. Weeds can quickly invade a newly seeded lawn that isn’t growing rapidly because of water stress.

Follow Steps 2 through 14 by going to this link:

Establishing a New Lawn Using Seed - MSU Extension

I hope this helps!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 09, 2024, 5:21 PM EDT

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