
What causes stunted peppers? #884408

Asked September 07, 2024, 2:32 PM EDT

Our bell peppers have stunted growth this year. They are squatty and heavily lobed like a miniature pumpkin. The seeds inside have not developed, like they weren't pollinated. Do you have any idea what caused this? We've gardened for over 40 years and have never seen this.

Stearns County Minnesota

Expert Response

We'd need more information to provide a reliable answer to your question. However, here are some things to consider?

1-A Were the plants healthy and did they grow as you expected?  If so, see 2-A.

1-B Were plants and fruits both stunted? If so, consider the information provided to this reply to a similar question:,they%20also%20may%20be%20stunted.

2-A Were the seeds or transplants you grew this year of a variety you have grown before?  

If you used seeds from a packet saved from last year, but plants and/or fruits grown from those seeds were stunted this summer, suspect unfavorable growing conditions as mentioned in 1-B.

If you purchased transplants or opened a new packet of seeds labeled as identical to ones you have successfully grown before, the transplants or seed packet may have been mislabeled. This happens occasionally.

There are a number of pepper varieties which produce lobed fruit that looks quite like those shown in the photos.  Compare here:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 07, 2024, 9:07 PM EDT

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