
Why leaves on arborvitae "green giant " lighter #884406

Asked September 07, 2024, 2:21 PM EDT

Any reason "why" the leaves on this one arborvitae is so much lighter than the other arborvitaes?

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Sandra,
This could be from a different mount of sunlight reaching this plant, as well as different soil there , less or more water reaching the root zone. 
It may also be in the nature of this individual plant— individuals in the same species and cultivar can show differences. 
If the shrubs have not been there for at least 3-5 years then it could be a varying amount of stress each shrub experiences during the transplant period. Be sure as much burlap, plastic and wire are removed from the top half of the root ball so root can easily move out into the surrounding soil.

Examine the trunk for any damage from gnawing wildlife which would restrict how much water and nutrients can move up into the plant.

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