
Mud Nest Identification #881640

Asked August 15, 2024, 12:56 PM EDT

Will send photos of nest found on propane tank for grill which had a cover over it. I would greatly appreciate knowing what insect is associated with this nest. Thank You! From U of M Graduate 1970's.

Chisago County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Morning Greg, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

From viewing your photos, I believe it is a mud dauber wasp nest (sceliphron caementarium). Please click on the following link about the insect:

Here is another link: 

It is a black wasp woth a long abdomial petiole, long legs and bright yellow markings. The female constructs multiple, free-form mud cylinders aboveground. The nest is attached to a building or structure near a pond or water source. The female collects damp soil for the nest. She provisions the nest with many spiders and a single egg is laid on the first spider. She collects more mud to seal the end of the cylinder. The female is a fast mason: she can construct one cylindrical cell with up to forty loads of mud in two hours or less. 

These details are from the book: Wasps, A Guide for Eastern North America, by Heather Holm, a Minnetonka resident. 

Interesting insect.  

Good Luck!

Maureen Graber Replied August 16, 2024, 9:15 AM EDT
Good Morning Maureen,

THANK YOU for the prompt answer to my question.

The information you provided is a perfect description of what was found in my back yard.

Why the propane tank under the vinyl cover on a gas grill was chosen for a location is a mystery!

Thanks again,

Greg Swanson

On Aug 16, 2024, at 8:15 AM, Ask Extension wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 16, 2024, 11:52 AM EDT

You are welcome!

Maureen Graber Replied August 17, 2024, 7:36 AM EDT

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