
African killer bee in St Paul? #877735

Asked July 18, 2024, 8:05 AM EDT

Can you identify this bee/hornet/wasp? Never seen anything like it before. It was large, fast, and aggressive. Not at all like our Minnesota wasps or hornets, neither in behavior nor appearance. This is the best still I was able to get from a six second video I took after observing this unfamiliar creature; I had to RUN from it as it quickly became aggressive after I got too close. It disappeared, at least momentarily, after using wasp spray foam.

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for reaching out to ask2.extension.

That is a cicada wasp.  They are large and act aggressive, but they normally will not sting unless they feel threatened.  I get them every year.  They dig holes in dirt and will attack cicadas and drag them into the hole and lay eggs in them. 
I have never been stung.  They do like to act aggressive when I water close to their holes.  They act like they are going to attack, but never have.  They are territorial and will chase off other wasps.

They really are nothing to be concerned about.  You can always cover up their hole when you find them.  They are very visible.  There will be a mound of dirt outside of the hole.

Personally I think they’re pretty cool.

Deb Kroon Replied July 19, 2024, 5:57 PM EDT

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