
Lawn fungus #877486

Asked July 16, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT

This is the second year of my Kentucky blue grass lawn. I had some fungus last year and treated it with Propionazole several times it appeared to be gone. Of course this wet year it has returned. I have treated with Propionazole several times but does not seem to help. I also use grasscatcher when mowing. One difference I noticed is this years brown spots are smaller diameter, lighter in color, the roots appear to be strong. is there anything else I can do?

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

There are many fungi that infect lawns and you don’t say if you identified what kind of fungus you found in your lawn. It is important to use a product that identifies your fungus as a target.

The timing of your applications is important. You will notice in the EPA document cited below that application timing differs with the fungi. 

Also, the literature says that Propiconozole has a 30 day residual effect. You said that you have applied it several times and I don’t know how many that is. Be careful not to over-apply as you can build in resistance. 

Propiconozole is a systemic. You may want to alternate it with a contact fungicide.<personal data hidden>9-20070928.pdf

Deb Reierson Replied July 17, 2024, 8:25 PM EDT

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