
Wet summer = leaf probs? #877483

Asked July 16, 2024, 1:53 PM EDT

Many plant leaves, and a tree, have spots on their leaves. I'm not good (yet) at diagnosing and treating plants diseases or harmful bugs. I do have some Neem spray. And other spray cans of weed killer that I don't like to use so I don't. Leaf spots seen on: peonies (this has happened before), lily of the valley (new), maple tree (new). So the rain is bringing water relief, but on the other hand, instead of dying of heat stroke and water needs, plants/trees will now suffer duet to excess water? Can you win at this game?

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

thank you for reaching out to ask2.extension.

These are definitely the result of all of the moisture and now humidity that follows.  You can try using a fungicide following label instructions, but with the pictures you’ve shown me, I wouldn’t worry too much.  I think nature will correct itself, maybe not this year but hopefully next year.  It has been a strange season and lots of problems are showing up.

Deb Kroon Replied July 19, 2024, 4:48 PM EDT

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