Unknown plant - Ask Extension
Is the plant a weed or prairie grass?
Unknown plant #877151
Asked July 14, 2024, 11:58 AM EDT
Is the plant a weed or prairie grass?
Stearns County Minnesota
Expert Response
It is a grassy weed, possibly Giant Foxtail, but I cannot see all portions of the plant to confirm. Please go to this link and compare the descriptions: https://extension.umn.edu/weed-identification/annual-grass-weeds
I took 2 more pictures to confirm its a weed 

On Jul 14, 2024, at 2:47 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
I previously sent you a link which describes in detail the various weedy grasses. It explains whether the leaves are smooth or have hair, etc. You need to take some of this plant and examine it with the photos and descriptions in that link. I can do no more from here. Or you can wait until it blooms and compare. But, a weed is a weed unless you like it. Then keep it.