
Maple tree thinning #876329

Asked July 08, 2024, 12:30 PM EDT

Small branches are dying off slowly. Tree shaded by house and trees at back of yard. Small holes in trunk. No soil changes , no digging near tree. We don’t want to lose this tree. Can you suggest any tree disease experts who could see tree and suggest treatments? Thank you!

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Although we can't identify any concrete causes of decline from the photos, we do recommend having a certified arborist or licensed tree expert evaluate the tree in person. Arborists cannot cure or treat every ailment, especially since tree decline might begin months or even years prior to symptoms becoming apparent. However, they can help to narrow-down a diagnosis, plus look for sources of tree stress that might have predisposed it to insect or fungal attack in the first place, or which might be able to be addressed now to slow any further decline.


Thank you so much for your help.

I have been more closely examining the leaves on the branches that are having small branchlets die off.  I will send in more photos of the leaves now that I can access some.  I don't know if this will be more helpful, but am contacting some arborists as you suggest.


The Question Asker Replied July 12, 2024, 11:01 AM EDT
Leaf symptoms might not be diagnostic enough to determine what is ailing the tree, but we are happy to look at any photos you wish to send.


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