
Scarlet Lily Beetle #875160

Asked June 28, 2024, 5:44 PM EDT

Are you aware of any Scarlet Lily Beetles in Minnesota (on Tiger Lilies). If not, I want to let you know that we have them in Dakota County in our garden. I read an article from the University of Massachusetts that made it sound like they’re still only in New England states and New York. Just wanted to report, sadly, that they are here now in Dakota County. I took pictures of my completely decimated Tiger lilies and I captured some if the beetles in a jar. Just wanted to make sure you are aware that they are in Minnesota. I’ve had these plants for 30 years and this is the first time I’ve ever seen these Scarlet Lily Beetles. The scarlet color is beautiful, but they are a menace.☹️

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you. This site is for answering horticultural questions and is done by UMN Extension Master Gardeners. I will pass the word to the appropriate authorities.  
Linda G Tenneson, Benton County EMG & TCA Replied June 28, 2024, 7:05 PM EDT

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