White pine disease identification, treatment and prevention help request. - Ask Extension
We have a few rows of 3-4 year old white pine ranging from 3-5’ tall. 2 trees are exhibiting brown shriveled tops with a white fungus looking substa...
White pine disease identification, treatment and prevention help request. #875108
Asked June 28, 2024, 12:47 PM EDT
We have a few rows of 3-4 year old white pine ranging from 3-5’ tall. 2 trees are exhibiting brown shriveled tops with a white fungus looking substance on the main trunk and extending to the connecting branches.
I’m not sure if this could possibly have spread from a Scotts pine that died 2 years ago within 30-40 yards of the white pine rows. We had it cut down this past early spring but some of the brush remains left to be burned. I did not die in the same manner as this current disease appears to be affecting the white pine. A large branch on one side turned brown and it took about 2 years for the rest of the tree to perish. I had believed that an attempt to kill off Autumn olive bushes under the tree (by someone else and against my desire to do so) is what actually killed the tree. It was about 35-40’ tall. I will attach pictures of the current affected trees. I want to do everything possible to attempt the stop of this disease. The lot that they are on is 3 acres with a neighboring 3 acre lot that is completely taken over by Autumn olive bushes on the south the North side has various trees and bushes dividing this and the adjacent property. East side is along a 6 acre pond and on the West, a county road which large lot residences.
Upon attempting to upload pictures, I’m not able to attach. I will need to send them via Email.
Thank you,
Saginaw CountyMichigan
Expert Response
Hello and thank you for your questions. Please email the photos to me at <personal data hidden>, so that I can send them to the expert who will look into this.
Thank you , Marie. Pictures sent. I can submit more info if needed.
Best regards, Cindy
From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2024 1:17 PM To: Cindy <<personal data hidden>> Subject: Re: White pine disease identification, treatment and prevention help request. (#0145026)
From your description and photos, the most likely cause of your damage is white pine weevil. More information can be found at: White pine weevil damage is being seen now in evergreens - MSU Extension. This insect lays eggs in early spring, larvae hatch and feed downward through the bark on the top shoot of the tree. In early summer, we see top leader and surrounding branches collapse and die to due damage. This will not kill your tree outright but can less ascetic value. The best thing to do at this point is cut and remove the damaged wood/leader and burn or destroy it. This will limit the white pine weevil larvae from maturing and completing its lifecycle.
From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 9:27 AM To: Cindy <<personal data hidden>> Subject: Re: White pine disease identification, treatment and prevention help request. (#0145026)