
Possible Brown Recluse in Columbia, MD #875049

Asked June 27, 2024, 10:33 PM EDT

I've found several spiders in my Columbia, MD apartment that seem to be brown recluses. I know those are very uncommon in Maryland, and all were behaving strangely for a brown recluse. They were in a commonly used room, generally on a wall in the open and were easy to spot. That said, they seem to have all of the characteristics of a brown recluse that I can find (body roughly 1/4 inch in length, violin marking, uniform abdomen and leg color, 3 pairs of eyes), and none of the "look alkies" that I see mentioned such as wolf spiders look anything like them. The photos of the specimen I've attached were taken on a Google Pixel camera at 5x zoom and a macro setting. The specimen was killed with an ammonia-based cleaner and had been in a pool of the cleaner in a sealed container for roughly a day before I photographed it. I'm a little confused as to why there have been so many and why they've been so out in the open. If there had been one in a storage space, I would assume it was a hitch-hiker from out of state, but there have been enough that that doesn't seem likely.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We consulted one of our entomology professors and he agrees that this looks like a recluse spider (genus Loxosceles). There are several species of recluse in the U.S., and this could be either L. reclusa or, he thinks more likely, L. rufescens. Both species can hitchhike to areas outside of their natural range fairly commonly; Maryland still remains outside of their natural range, so they will not survive the winter if they escape outdoors.


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