
Is this horsenettle? #874692

Asked June 25, 2024, 7:03 PM EDT

I am thinking that the attached photo is of horsenettle. Is that correct? I would prefer not to use any chemicals, but are there other ways to remove it premanently? It has such a long tap root when I try to dif it up.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

It does look like Carolina Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense), though flowers (or if it stuck around long enough, fruits) would help to confirm the ID. It is native, but considered a weed in garden and agricultural settings.

Either systemic herbicide to kill the roots or vigilant physical removal would be needed to eradicate it. If you wish to avoid herbicide, then dig up (or cut down) what you can, and remove any regrowth as quickly as it appears. Eventually, this will starve the roots of stored energy, and the plant(s) will stop regrowing. How long this process takes is hard to predict, but it might be several months at least if the plant(s) is well-established or mature. Even herbicide might take more than one application to be successful.


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