
Epimedium has curled leaves. #873975

Asked June 20, 2024, 4:25 PM EDT


My epimedium has curled leaves, and it looks like it is happening on new growth.  I am not sure if you can see it on one of the photos, but the inside of curled leaf, I see very small amount of something like cotton.

If you could advise what the cause is and how to treat them, I really appreciate it.

Thank you!

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Yukiko and thanks for your question and pictures of your Epimedium plants. The symptoms, curling on the new leaves and webbing, indicate spider mites which can be discouraged with insecticidal soap spray or horticultural insecticidal oil. Neem oil will also work, but if the problem is small, just pick off the affected leaves and dispose of them.

The mites like new growth and over fertilization can encourage an outbreak. Also make sure the plants are not stressed by weeds or irrigation problems. We have had quite a bit of rain lately, so this might also have caused them to over populate.
The plants in the background of the picture look quite healthy so good job getting on this problem early.

Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied June 24, 2024, 8:15 PM EDT

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