
disease resistant plum #873926

Asked June 20, 2024, 1:09 PM EDT

I have had a Stanley plum tree for about 10 years and have been fighting fungal infections for the last 5. The tree is on it's last breath so I would like to replace it with a more disease resistant plum. I enjoy the fresh eating and canning we got with the Stanley so I would like a purple plum of similar quality. I went on line and found Belle De Louvain and Farleigh Damson which are of interest but cannot find a nursery that has them for sale. Could you tell me where to find these varieties or recommend other disease resistant varieties with similar traits? Thanks

Linn County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Steven,
It is important to know what type of fungus you are dealing with and if you plan on planting the next plum in the same spot.  For instance, if it is brown rot, you would not want to plant it in the same area as it stays in the soil.

I am sorry to hear your tree is dying.  Stanleys are susceptible to fungal problems.  The trees listed below are resistant, not completely protected against fungal disease.  A spray of lime sulfur in the fall may help as well as keeping the tree in a full sun area and the opening the center of the tree (pruning) to allow for good airflow, helps keep fungal disease down.

Here are a few that are not: 

Shiro, Castleton, Santa Rosa, Methley, Early Italian, Fellenberg, Seneca, Damson, Blufree, NY9, Au Rosa and President.

Finding fruit trees this time of year may be an issue.  Many fruit trees are available from about February on, however, contacting the large nurseries in your area by phone is an easy way to check.  The plum President, is supposedly the most resistant.

One Green World has some of the trees you may be interested in showing on their website.  However, again the easiest way to find the plum of choice is to call nurseries to see what they have left in stock.  

If you have further questions, please contact us again.  
Sheryl Casteen Replied June 25, 2024, 4:36 PM EDT

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