
How to manage pest eating Kohlrabi leaves i #873857

Asked June 19, 2024, 8:50 PM EDT


Have observed the leaves of our kohlrabi being eaten. Upon examining the leaves top and underside, notice a small yellowish green caterpillar about 1/4 in in length. I do not see a high number of these caterpillars on the leaves. Actually very low. Can you please identify this caterpillar and, if it is the culprits, options for controlling it, both inorganic and organic remedies. 

Please see attached photos of the leaves and the caterpillar itself. Again, the caterpillar is roughly 1/4 of an inch long.

Kalamazoo County Michigan

Expert Response

Michael - based upon the picture you sent, the culprit appears to be a Cabbage Looper (CL) which causes damage on cruciferous crops.  I am including a link to an article below that will provide more details on the life cycle of the CL, how to monitor for it and also Prevention and Control.  Hope that helps.

Diane - MSU Advanced Extension Master Gardener Replied June 21, 2024, 12:24 PM EDT

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