
Potentially termites? #873747

Asked June 19, 2024, 9:32 AM EDT

Included is a picture of what we believe to be termites. We first noticed them about a month ago. We kept our windows (screened) open and had not turned on the ac yet. We mostly saw them on the windows and one night there was a cluster of about 30+ on my monitor screen which was on. Whatever they are, we assume they were attracted to warmth because since we have turned the AC on we have not seen as many live ones. If possible: -Can you id this bug? -If so, is the bug harmful to pets or damaging to our home? Thank you for all you do!

Somerset County Maryland

Expert Response

Your photo is not clearly focused but we don't think that those are termite swarmers.
More likely they are winged ants which look similar but their bodies have segments (like they have a pinched waist or wearing a belt) while termites do not.
Check the info and  photos on this page to compare to what you clearly saw:
Ants (and termites) only have wings for a short time, and swarm in large numbers during mating. 
You wouldn't see them for very long. 


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