
Insects eating scarlet runner bean seedlings #873725

Asked June 18, 2024, 10:02 PM EDT

What is this bug?  I found several of them around my bean and pea seedlings in the early evening that I assume have been destroyed by these bugs.   They probably have infested my potato plants as well.

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Gary, 

Due to the photo resolution, I cannot be certain of the species. But I can tell you that this is in the family Rhyparochromidae (Dirt-Colored Seed Bugs). As per the name, these insects feed exclusively seeds. Once seeds have sprouted, these insects do not feed on them. So I suspect that a different insect is responsible for the damage to your plants. Feel free to upload pictures of any other insects you suspect as causes of the damage. 

As a general preventative measure, I would remove any plant debris and weeds from the vicinity of your beans/peas/potatoes. This reduces harborages for pest insects. If they are more exposed, they are less likely to feed. It will also make it easier for you to observe/photograph them. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 20, 2024, 7:05 PM EDT
Sorry for the poor resolution.  The markings on the bugs I am seeing are very similar to the markings of dirt colored bean bugs online.  This could explain why most of my beans are not sprouting at all.  I'll dig up some of the seed beans and see if that is what is indicated.

Thank you for the information.

Gary Galloway.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2024, 17:05 Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 21, 2024, 3:31 AM EDT

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